E + MANA = We are ENERGY in motion. Our entire body is made up of a combination of energies that gives us the opportunity to be human. "MANA" in Hawaiian means "POWER" and the ability that the Universe possesses to create, transform and BE. Emana means "the power to emanate our wisdom, our essence and truth to experience the energy and to evolve."

The triangle is the sacred geometry of manifestation, synthesis, flow, and abundance. It magnetizes. The point of light and the base at the top is all that our body can channel from our highest frequency and materialize in physicality. Pyramid. Portal.

Emana Institute was born in the living room at home, through a huge feeling of teaching and developing projects. It was after many internal and personal transformation processes, that I felt something in my heart to create, but it needed to be different. Something I had never done before. I had decided to leave my engineering career to make room for something new, with more truth inside of me. Something that would bring expansion, communication, teaching, studies, and a deep understanding of ourselves and the world. I wanted to travel, be with people, and potentiate the best in us humans.




We have created our own methodologies based on many studies, experiences, and world travels that integrate specific knowledge about how we can develop and evolve internally so that we can live a life according to our true identity. Teaching is one of Emana's main keys, where we carry our message with structure and consistency in courses, training, laboratories, expeditions, and all our projects.



We believe that the deepest, highest, and truest connection with our body can be felt and experienced through the practice of meditation. Meditation is a state of presence, centeredness, and depolarization. It is communication with our identity and what is in coherence with ourselves. Emana brings in all its methodologies, and meditation practices that integrate with theoretical teachings from meditation groups, to courses and trainings.



Healing practices have been used and taught by our ancestors for thousands and thousands of years. Behind this wisdom, there is a process of integrating our spiritual and physical energy, where we can experience this earthly world with more love, lightness, and empowerment. Emana brings in all projects healing practices and also offers training in healing therapies, developed exclusively through our studies and applications in individual and group sessions, and the knowledge that our founder Marcia Bellö has acquired through her certifications around the world.



“One of my greatest dreams has always been and will always be to get to know the world and the cultures that inhabit it. There is an incredible wisdom that we need to remember and apply in our lives today and always. We are the fruit of thousands of stories and experiences that help us reconnect with who we are.” - Marcia Bellö.

Emana brings expeditions to the Sacred Portals of the world uniting courses in self-knowledge and meditation practices. In addition, the Documentaries about ancestral cultures and their portals are part of the "Sacred Human World" project, where we have been to sacred places such as Easter Island and the Rapa Nui culture, Greenland and the Inuits, Celtics, Hawaiian and Aborigines. As well as many other projects that have been developed.



We believe that wisdom is in every detail. When we are present, we can tune into the beauty of life through our senses. Emana brings one of the key points that are also integrated into our essence which is communication in reading (blogs, posts, and books), listening (podcasts, lectures, and audio content) and videos on our social networks. All communication channels are welcome when used with purpose.


…before 2015 when I decided to open a company called Emana Institute…


 The Harmonic Convergence takes place in July 1987. A supernatural phenomenon - the world's first synchronized global peace meditation - that occurs once every ten thousand years when the planets align, spiritual energy is amplified to the extreme, causing the union of the spiritual portals at the North and South Poles, while an aura of spiritual energy envelops the Earth.


Marcia Bellö is born.


Marcia moves from Rio de Janeiro (her hometown) to São Paulo, where her whole process of transformation in the family and in her history (even though she doesn't know it yet), begins to take place. At the same time, she discovers that she loves to travel the world and this will be one of her missions.


After graduating from High School with a degree in Computer Technician, she starts the University in Textile Production Engineering at FEI-SBC (Brazil), where in July 2013 she receives her degree. And in the period 2011-2012, she realizes her first dream of living in Australia and studying English, where she acquires her first experience with exchange and abroad (the sky is not the limit now).

Photo 01 (Burleigh Heads - AUS) - 2011 | Photo 02 (Engineering Graduation day - 2013)


After a serious uterine illness and intense personal transformations, she decides to study self-knowledge tools to heal herself. Emana Project is born. The first courses are held in the same year. She graduates as a High-Performance Coach by FEBRACIS and in the first techniques of healing therapies such as Reiki, Deeksha, Magnified Healing, and Kinesiology.

First Emana Project workshop | OneEnergy - São Paulo (2015)

From 2016 onwards

The first Emana meditation groups are born in Sydney with more than 60 people. Marcia begins her nomadic life, living in the homes of friends and people she met during her journey. She begins her studies on human behavior through these experiences, individual consultations, and conversations. She has certified in several courses with healers and masters in Australia, USA, Europe, Asia and Brazil.

2016 | Her first Meditation Group in Coogee (Sydney) | Nomad in Hawaii with her friend Rebecca | Ho’oponopono with Kahuna Harry Jim

From 2017 onwards | Emana's courses and groups begin to grow in Brazil and other countries. The Identity Detox and other human development projects are born.

Marcia continues her journeys as a nomad traveling the world teaching courses in Europe, Australia, Brazil, and the USA, and developing documentaries about the sacred portals of the planet, interviewing and studying with renowned masters such as Lee Carroll, Diana Cooper, Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq (Ice Wisdom), Brian Weiss, among others.

Courses like Intuitive Healing, Emana DNA, Coaching & Healing Training, Expeditions, and other projects are born and growing rapidly. By 2019, Emana impacted more than 10 thousand students between graduates and participants of our projects, and in all our social networks and newsletters we were already more than 100 thousand Emanators.

Emana has participated in significant collaborations with its meditation projects and speeches in companies and institutions such as WeWork (SP-Brazil) 2018/19, WPP Commerce Conference 2018, São Paulo Court of Justice (2017), IBEF (SP - Brazil) 2019, Information Planet Gold Coast (Australia - 2020), among other participations throughout these years.

Marcia has visited more than 30 countries, among them to conduct studies, expeditions for the documentaries and Sacred Portals, and to teach Emana's courses.

In the media

In the 2018 Gestão & Negócios magazine article, our founder was interviewed bringing a bit about how she started entrepreneurship through nomadism and collaborativism at Emana being cited for the similarity of the Disney method in the teaching format we bring to people.

From 2020 onwards

During the year 2020, Emana brought one of the most revolutionary projects online to assist in self-development and connection with the transformations of the planet during the pandemic: The New Human. An innovative course that graduated over 2 thousand students between 2020/21 and is still available on our platforms with classes and guided meditations in an exclusive and potential methodology. In addition, we have brought online courses for Training Trainers, Workshops, Meditations, and some face-to-face events in Australia that have supported many people in the last three years in their self-development processes.

In 2022, we made our first Expedition to Mount Shasta (California - USA), after the borders were opened and travel was normalized. It was a beautiful project with Intuitive Healing training and activation of the portals.


Emana Institute of Human Development

In 2022, Emana started a new journey in its Trainings where the Institute was created to certify instructors in its methodologies. In addition, all projects were restructured with new formats in Portuguese and English. A new journey with much love, expansion of consciousness and human development.

About the Founder

Marcia Bellö | Engineer, High-Performance Coach and Healing

IG: @marciabello__

    • Graduation in Textile Production Engineering by FEI (SBC-Brazil) in 2013

    • High-Performance Coach by FEBRACIS in 2015

    • Diploma in Project Management in Australia 2021

  • BRASIL | since 2013

    • Shambhala Meditation Level 1 & 2

    • Light Body Activation and Merkivic Vehicle - Isabel Otto

    • Deeksha Giver

    • Quantum Healing and Cellular Recoding - Isabel Otto - (Febrate - Brazilian Federation of Therapists)

    • Cellular Regeneration (Rene Mey technique)

    • Spiritual Reconnection and Golden Age (Carlos Torres)

    • Intensive Religare - Isabel Otto - (Febrate certification - Brazilian Federation of Therapists)

    • Reiki Master | 3B - Master (Instructor) - Isabel Otto

    AUSTRALIA | since 2016

    • Kinesiology | Nikki Barret

    • Tetha Healing Basic | Soul Expression Foundation Aus

    • Basic Xamanism Tools

    • Magnified Healing | Nikki Barret

    • Angelik Reiki I & II (Christine Core)

    • Positive Neuroplasticity Training by Dr. Rick Hanson (Teachers: C. Robertson and M. Bernev)

    UNITED STATES | since 2016

    • Ho’oponopono (Original Ritual & Healing) - Kahuna Harry Jim

    • DNA Reconnection, Crystals & Intuitive Healing (Atlantis e Lemúria)

    PORTUGAL | 2017

    • Multidimensional Therapy - Paulo Nogueira

    INDONESIA| 2017

    • Sound Healing Therapy with Tibetan Bowls - School of Tibetan Sound Healing and Vibrational Medicine

    SWITZERLAND | 2017

    • Ascension with Dragons, Archangels, Unicorns and the Animal Kingdom | Diana Cooper Foundation

    ITALY | 2018

    • The Weiss Institute – Many Lives Many Masters Advanced Workshop | Brian Weiss

  • HAWAII | 2016 and 2019

    • APNEA & SURF SURVIVAL Certification with Ricardo Taveira (2016 and 2019)

    EASTER ISLAND | 2018

    • Lee Carrol (Kryon's Expedition) - Lemuria e a cultura Rapa Nui - channelings and seminars

    • Interview with Lee Carroll: here

    • Interview with Monika Muranyi: here

    • Documentary about Rapa Nui Culture: here

    ​AUSTRIA | 2019

    • Finding your roots and ancestors | Xamã Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq - IceWisdom Foundation (Greenland Culture)

    • Trailer about Inuit Culture (our Documentary in progress): here

    FRANCE | 2019

    • Activation in Portals (Carnac & Mont Saint Michael), Archangel Michael & Angels in the New Era | Diana Cooper Foundation


It will be a pleasure to make partnerships, give lectures, or develop projects for your company.

Send us an e-mail to founder@emanaproject.com or fill out the form below.